Hopping on the Trend: Things We Care About / Do Not Care About as Business Owners. Can you relate?

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Two moms who, by fate, met at a business conference one year, became besties over time, then one day had this crazy idea to start a creative conference for product based business owners over scratch margs.

Hi, we're
cat & Allison!

In the spirit of participating in trends that ACTUALLY align (not just for the sake of showing off your latest dance moves) we’re hopping on the Things We Care About / Do Not Care About Trend. 

This week on the podcast we’re doing a little back and forth on things we care about as women industry leaders & business owners and other things we’re saying “bless & release” to!

Totally off the cuff here and didn’t plan anything in advance with this conversation!

We’re talking about…

  • Pet peeves
  • What we think about what other people might think about us
  • Speaking truth
  •  “Looks”
  •  And it sort of takes an interesting turn at the end when we go down the rabbit hole of slimy business owners. 

Listen in and let us know what you think and then please DM us (or reply back to this email) with something YOU care deeply about (or something you don’t give an F about) as a business owner!!!

Oh yeah… Want to get in on the action of our AFTERPARTY Community & Group Coaching Program?? Get on the waitlist to know when the doors to the next Afterparty reopens!

We’d love to welcome you into the AFTERPARTY – the exclusive, Ultimate Product Party group to help you stand out in a sea of other product based businesses. 



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