I go through the same negative self talk most people go through. “No one cares about seeing my day to day.” “My life is boring and not IG worthy” “Who the hell am I to put myself out there like that to people on the internet?!”
I’ve been doing this Kitty Meow thing for a LONG ASS time. And I spend a good 8 years playing it safe, making shit up as I went with no real strategy, and being a hermit crab because I was too self conscious about what I thought other people were thinking about me. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I said NO MORE. I’m better than this. I work too hard to only be mediocre.
So when I tell you that playing it safe is going to hold you back and waste you TONS of time, I’m speaking from experience. And I don’t want that for you! Being confident is a choice and I’ve spent many years too scared of my own shadow and thinking about what others think. I was even too afraid to network because I didn’t think I was good enough. And for real… that’s a bunch of BULLSHIT. And if you feel those same feels, the sooner you move past them and make the choice to put yourself out there anyway, even if it’s not “perfect” – the sooner you’re going to see real results in your business.
Don’t let YOURSELF be the biggest obstacle in your way. Get your ticket to come to the @ultimateproductparty 💥 Surround yourself with people who get it. I promise you’ll have wayyyy more to gain than you have to lose 💥
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